

Hi, my name is Jason and I am an 18-year-old self-directed learner. I live in Arizona where I advocate alternative education in order to promote a greater awareness of education and to help other students achieve success, with or without school. I enjoy a wide variety of interests: economics, entrepreneurship, computer science, languages, philosophy, mathematics, sustainability, and education. My hobbies include biking, programming, playing the piano, parkour, and others.

This blog serves as my portfolio of projects I am working on or have finished, as well a record of my progress in a number of skills that interests me. I hope to populate this blog with content so I may look back see all that I have done, to inspire myself and perhaps others as well.
Why Froomens?

When I once signed up for an email account I encountered an interesting CAPTCHA that looked like a pronounceable word, possibly a name. I looked it up and determined it was a perfect handle: unique and memorable.

Other Blogs

Meta-Education - The blog for my alternative education advocacy. It features information on different types and methods of alternative education and other non-standard paths to success.

TOOMA: Strategies for Students - A humorous but informative off-shoot of Meta-Education wherein I simultaneously identify and exploit the flaws of public school for the benefit of the reader.

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